Meritorious Service Award
The Meritorious Service Award honors members who have sustained a level of activity beyond that of the average Chapter member. The criteria for selection include: outstanding or sustained leadership as a Chapter officer, committee chairperson, special project leader, fundraiser, activist, membership recruiter or other area of dedication.
As with any organization, Winnebago Audubon depends on dedicated, involved members and the Meritorious Service Award is just one small way to say thank you! We appreciate all you have done for Winnebago Audubon and the birds we all love.
Winnebago Audubon recently presented Pat Nichols with the Meritorious Service Award in grateful recognition of her outstanding service for conservation of birds, other wildlife and their habitat.
If our records are correct, Pat has been an Audubon member since March 1978. She was elected to our chapter board in 1984. She also served as President, Vice-President, and Membership Chair for a total of 19 years!
Long-time Audubon member, Dave Hanke, was given a Meritorious Service Award for his 13 years of service as a director on the Winnebago Audubon Society board. This is a well-deserved recognition to show our appreciation for all the time and energy he has devoted to our chapter at many of our activities. With his exceptional talent as a carpenter, he handcrafted many Leopold benches, bird houses, and bat houses to benefit our chapter, the birds and bats. Thank you Dave!
Winnebago Audubon presented a Meritorious Service Award to Carla Hansen at the Spring Banquet for years of dedication to our chapter. Carla has been Treasurer for the past four years and also served in this position from 2000-2003 and again from 1989-1991. She was VP from 1996-1999; President from 1991-1993; and a Director from 2007-2010. Not only that, but she has been chair of Membership and Audubon Adventures. She is currently chairperson of the annual Birdathon and the Amphibians in School Program, and volunteers at Sullivan's Woods, which she plans to continue doing even though she is stepping down from the board.
Carla Hansen, left, is presented the Meritorious Service Award from President Janet Wissink.
Dana Hartel received the Meritorious Service Award in grateful recognition of her outstanding service for conservation of birds, other wildlife and their habitat. Dana served on the Board of Directors from 2001-2011 and as Vice-President from 2011-2013. She also coordinated the Audubon Adventures program in the schools the past two years.
John Pagel, owner of Mail List Processing, received a Certificate of Appreciation for his many years of behind-the-scenes support, which has included printing of the newsletter, mailing, and providing a meeting place for the Board. John and his wife, Joni, were also charter members of the chapter. John served as Treasurer from 1984-1986.
Doris Thomas, Oshkosh, served on the Board of Directors from 1988-1993 and then again from 2001-2007. She was newsletter editor from 1988 to 1999 during which time she transformed it into a professional looking piece. She and her husband, David, also hosted the annual Spring Potluck for several years at their church.
Don Meton, Omro, is a Charter Member of the Winnebago Audubon Society and served on the Board of Directors in 1981-1983 and again in 1996-2001. His love of the land and birds is appreciated by all.
Dave Moon, Oshkosh, served as Vice-President in 1986-1987 and as a Director in 1987-1990; 1992-1996; 2000-2003; 2010-present. He also was Treasurer from 2003 to 2010. Since 2005 he has been volunteering as a guide at Sullivan’s Woods. Additionally, Dave coordinates trail and prairie maintenance at Sullivan’s Woods and volunteers at many of our events.
Jan Moldenhauer has passionately supported efforts to protect and improve the environment in our area for decades. She grew up in Milwaukee and graduated from college in Illinois. After a lifetime of teaching, she finished her career at UWO where she inspired her students to care for the environment. Always active in sports, she still swims and plays tennis. Every summer she teaches sailing at a camp in Canada. She has been an active member of Winnebago Audubon, having served on its Board of Directors for many years, and participating in its activities, raising money to support environmental activity and education in the community. Her willingness to help out has been invaluable to the group. She also has been involved with other organizations in the area. Moldenhauer received an award from Sierra Club for her active participation in the club. She participates in taking water samples of local waterways for studies conducted by Trout Unlimited. She holds strong beliefs on the rights of citizens to expect the environment to be protected. Writing letters to the editor and politicians, speaking at citizen input hearings and traveling to Madison to speak to our legislature, are all part of her everyday efforts.
Jan Scalpone served as a Winnebago Audubon Board of Director for many years. Scalpone has brought important information and data to the attention of the Board regarding environmental rules and regulations, and potential developments that could affect the environment in our region. She worked for many years for the East Central Wisconsin Planning Commission where she was focused on regional planning issues. Many of the developments that have occurred throughout the Winnebago/Fox River region have been studied by her. She also worked on environmental issues in her work with the Oshkosh League of Women Voters, where she helped bring data to that group’s deliberative process of developing positions on environmental issues of the day. As a member of the Oshkosh Sustainability Advisory Board, she contributes to the discussion of what the City of Oshkosh can do to be a more sustainable community. Scalpone has carried with her the principles of scientific inquiry and developing data to help decision makers make the best choices when facing environmental questions. She has been the voice for support of environmental integrity.