March Waterfowl Madness
9:00 AM09:00

March Waterfowl Madness

Join us in search of early spring migrants, especially waterfowl. Large numbers and a variety of waterfowl are possible, including swans, five species of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks and mergansers, and other spring migrants. 

Sightings will depend on the status of migration, location, and weather conditions. The destination location to be determined. Bring binoculars if you have them. Spotting scopes are helpful, but not necessary. All levels of birding experience are welcome.

Accessibility:  Limited amount of walking expected, though some portions of walk may be on uneven terrain depending on location. Viewing from a car may be possible at some locations.

Directions:  Meet at the Hwy 41 and Hwy 76, Green Valley Road Park and Ride. From here we will drive to the birding location that offers the best chance to see waterfowl and other early migrants.

Photo: Red-breasted Mergansers, courtesy of Matt Saunders. 

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Oshkosh Bird Fest
6:00 AM06:00

Oshkosh Bird Fest

  • Kiwanis Shelter #1 @ Menominee Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

LOCATION CHANGE! We will be back at Menominee Park in 2025! Kiwanis Shelter #1, 576 Pratt Trail, Oshkosh

Rain or Shine!

6:00 am - Noon


A morning of birdy activities for the whole family  to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day and the fact that Oshkosh is a BIRD CITY!


6 am - 11 am:  Big Sit, a unique way to bird watch with Anita Carpenter

6:30 am:  Bird Walk with Kelli Bahls/Tom Ziebell

7:00 am - 10:30am:  Bird Banding Demonstration with Dick Nikolai

8:00 am:  Bird Walk with Kelli Bahls/Tom Ziebell

8 am - 11:30 am: Silent Auction

8 am - Noon: Informational Exhibits

10:00 am - Noon:  Kid’s Activities

10:00 am - Noon:  Live Birds of Prey by Aves Wildlife Alliance

For up-to-date information on Oshkosh Bird Fest, check our website: and like us on Facebook. Click here.

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Great Backyard Bird Count
1:00 AM01:00

Great Backyard Bird Count

Connect to Birds, to Nature, and with Each Other

Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 14-17, 2025, for the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), when the world comes together for the love of birds.

Watch birds in your backyard or anywhere else, be part of this 20+ year tradition, and help provide scientists with a snapshot of bird populations. Participate from anywhere in the world. Click to learn more about the GBBC.

Spend time in your favorite places watching birds - then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit them to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world.

Join us on Thursday, February 6 for an in-person pre-count meeting and presentation to learn more about the GBBC and how to enter your GBBC sightings online using eBird. We will meet at the Oshkosh Food Co-op, 155 Jackson St., Oshkosh from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

Photo of Common Redpoll by Matt Saunders.

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Great Backyard Bird Count
1:00 AM01:00

Great Backyard Bird Count

Connect to Birds, to Nature, and with Each Other

Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 14-17, 2025, for the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), when the world comes together for the love of birds.

Watch birds in your backyard or anywhere else, be part of this 20+ year tradition, and help provide scientists with a snapshot of bird populations. Participate from anywhere in the world. Click to learn more about the GBBC.

Spend time in your favorite places watching birds - then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit them to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world.

Join us on Thursday, February 6 for an in-person pre-count meeting and presentation to learn more about the GBBC and how to enter your GBBC sightings online using eBird. We will meet at the Oshkosh Food Co-op, 155 Jackson St., Oshkosh from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

Photo of Common Redpoll by Matt Saunders.

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FIELD TRIP: Great Backyard Bird Count at Kimberly Point & Wilderness Park
9:00 AM09:00

FIELD TRIP: Great Backyard Bird Count at Kimberly Point & Wilderness Park

Interested in participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) but not sure where to start? Join us at Kimberly Point and Wilderness Park in Neenah as we search for birds, count species, and report sightings to eBird. We will start at Kimberly Point at 9:00 a.m. to look for ducks, mergansers, and eagles. Then we will drive to Wilderness Park to search for finches, woodpeckers, and other winter birds.

Accessibility: Viewing birds near the lighthouse at Kimberly Point is readily accomplished from a vehicle or by taking a short walk to the nearest vantage point.  At Wilderness Park we will have a 1/4 mile walk on a level trail of bark chips and a short boardwalk. Snow and ice are always a possibility in February.

Directions to Kimberly Point: from Highway 41, take exit 132 east for Main Street Neenah. Go over the bridge and continue straight to stay on Main Street/Wisconsin Ave. Follow Wisconsin Ave all the way to Lakeshore Ave. Turn left on Lakeshore Ave and proceed to park near the lighthouse. Address for GPS lookup: 290 Lakeshore Ave, Neenah, WI 54956.

Directions to Wilderness Park from Kimberly Point: Lakeshore Ave turns into Park Ave when you go around the bend past the lighthouse. At the stop sign, turn left on Wisconsin Ave and then turn right onto S Park Ave. Follow S Park Ave for half a mile. Wilderness Park will be on your left.  Address for GPS lookup: 940 S Park Ave, Neenah, WI 54956.

Photo: Common Redpoll courtesy of Matt Saunders.

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Great Backyard Bird Count
1:00 AM01:00

Great Backyard Bird Count

Connect to Birds, to Nature, and with Each Other

Birds are everywhere, all the time, doing fascinating things. Join us, February 14-17, 2025, for the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), when the world comes together for the love of birds.

Watch birds in your backyard or anywhere else, be part of this 20+ year tradition, and help provide scientists with a snapshot of bird populations. Participate from anywhere in the world. Click to learn more about the GBBC.

Spend time in your favorite places watching birds - then tell us about them! In as little as 15 minutes notice the birds around you. Identify them, count them, and submit them to help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world.

Join us on Thursday, February 6 for an in-person pre-count meeting and presentation to learn more about the GBBC and how to enter your GBBC sightings online using eBird. We will meet at the Oshkosh Food Co-op, 155 Jackson St., Oshkosh from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.

Photo of Common Redpoll by Matt Saunders.

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GBBC PRE-COUNT MEETING: How to Enter Your GBBC Sightings Online with eBird
6:00 PM18:00

GBBC PRE-COUNT MEETING: How to Enter Your GBBC Sightings Online with eBird

Join us for an in-person meeting and presentation to learn more about the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) and how to enter your GBBC sightings online using eBird. We will cover new account setup, count protocols, and best practices. If you’re unfamiliar with eBird or could use a refresher, take advantage of this opportunity to ask questions and connect with other local birders. See you there!

Note: this presentation is optional – you don’t have to attend to participate in the GBBC, though you may find it beneficial. Learn more about the GBBC at  

Photo of Common Redpoll by Matt Saunders.

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New Year's Day Birding
1:00 PM13:00

New Year's Day Birding

  • Evergreen Retirement Community (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at the Evergreen Retirement Community and the Sawyer Creek Nature Trail to start the new year right by watching birds. We will be walking around the Evergreen buildings checking bird feeders and on the nature trail in search of winter birds. Time and weather permitting we may also visit nearby open water for waterfowl and gulls. 

Accessibility: Our walk on the Evergreen Campus will be along paved sidewalks and driveways.

Directions:  From the intersection of Hwy 41 and Hwy 21, go east on Oshkosh Ave. (Hwy 21) to the first stoplight. At the stoplight turn right on Westfield St. and continue a short distance to the Evergreen parking area on your left.  We will meet in the front of the parking area near the sidewalk.

 Address for GPS lookup: 1130 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh, WI 54902. 

Free and open to the public. Beginners to experienced birders are welcome.

 White-breasted Nuthatch. Photo courtesy of Matt Saunders.

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Oshkosh Audubon Christmas Bird Count
1:00 AM01:00

Oshkosh Audubon Christmas Bird Count

On the annual Oshkosh Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC), observers record all birds seen or heard within a fifteen mile diameter circle around Oshkosh on one day (24 hour period) in mid- to late-December. In addition to the count day, species seen during the count week (3 days before and 3 days after the count day) but not recorded on the count day are also included in the results. The Oshkosh Christmas Bird Count has been conducted every year since 1964. The final results are submitted to the National Audubon Society.

Anyone can participate in the bird count. The amount of time that you wish to commit is up to you. You can watch your feeders/yard for an hour or all day. For the more dedicated birder, surveying one of the 7 county areas in the count circle is also an option.

As a volunteer you will be required to record the number of each species seen or heard; time spent watching; distance travelled and document unusual species and numbers.

If you are interested in participating PLEASE contact Tom Ziebell for more information and to discuss the area you intend to cover to reduce duplication of birds counted: or 920-312-1976.

Red-breasted Nuthatch. Photo by Kelli Bahls.

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Honey Bees and Native Bees: why they’re in trouble and how you can help. 
6:30 PM18:30

Honey Bees and Native Bees: why they’re in trouble and how you can help. 

  • Evergreen Retirement Community (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winnebago Audubon and Wild Ones Fox Valley Area Chapter always look forward to our joint program which will be held this year on November 21 at Evergreen Retirement Community, 1130 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh. Join us in the Behnke Room on the lower level for a social at 6:30 pm. Then at 7:00 pm we will have a brief business meeting followed by our program, “Honey Bees and Native Bees: Why they’re in trouble and how you can help!”, presented by Julie Mazzoleni. Julie is a beekeeper and serves as the Education Outreach Chair for the Brown County Beekeepers Association. She also serves on the board of the Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter.

Her presentation will introduce you to the fascinating world of the honey bee.  You’ll learn about the different casts in the hive, their individual roles and why they are considered a “superorganism”.  Besides the honey bee, you’ll learn about the many native bees we see in our Wisconsin gardens today.  You’ll learn who they are, about their habitats, and the critical role they play in a healthy thriving ecosystem.  Lastly, we’ll address the challenges our pollinators are facing, why they’re  at risk and what you can do to support their wellbeing and help them thrive in our Wisconsin gardens.

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Late Season Birding in Neenah & Menasha
9:00 AM09:00

Late Season Birding in Neenah & Menasha

  • 355 Millview Drive Neenah, WI, 54956 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for some late season birding along the shores of Little Lake Butte Des Morts and Lake Winnebago. We will meet at Arrowhead Park, discuss recent field reports, and then drive to the location(s) that offer the best chance to see waterfowl and other late migrants. Sightings will be heavily dependent on wind and open water conditions. Please dress for the weather and bring your binoculars. Spotting scopes may be helpful but are not required.

Free and open to the public. Beginners to experienced birders are welcome.

Directions: from Hwy 41, take exit 132 for Main Street in Neenah. Turn right (east) onto Main Street. Continue on Main Street for 1 mile. When crossing the bridge, stay in the left lane to continue straight on Main Street. Then turn left (north) on Millview Dr. Proceed to cross the railroad tracks and turn right (east) into the parking area.

Address for GPS lookup: 355 Millview Dr., Neenah, WI 54956.

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Big Day Birding at Asylum Point/Picnic Point
9:00 AM09:00

Big Day Birding at Asylum Point/Picnic Point

  • 3700 Sherman Road Oshkosh, WI, 54901 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Walk with us on eBird’s October Big Day to search for birds at Asylum Point Park / Picnic Point Wildlife Refuge. This 170-acre property consists of prairie, woodland, and cattail along the shore of Lake Winnebago. The variety of habitat provides an opportunity to observe a variety of species including warblers, thrushes, sparrows, and waterfowl. Birders of all skill levels are welcome. Trails may be wet or muddy depending on the weather conditions. Sturdy hiking shoes or boots are recommended.

Free and open to the public. Beginners to experienced birders are welcome.

Directions: From Oshkosh take Bowen Street (County Highway A) north to East Snell Road. Turn right on East Snell Road. At the T intersection, proceed to cross Sherman Road and park in the gravel lot. We will meet in the parking area at this intersection.

Address for GPS lookup: 3700 Sherman Rd, Oshkosh, WI 54901

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September Bird Count
1:00 AM01:00

September Bird Count

This is another great excuse (if you need one) to go birding and challenge yourself to identify birds not only visually but by their songs. Plus, you are contributing to on-going bird research around the world. You can do this by yourself or with family and friends. Make a day of it or plan a little time around your busy schedule.

On this annual bird count, observers record all birds seen or heard in Winnebago County on one day (24 hour period) in September. The September bird count has been conducted every year since 1995.

Anyone can participate. The amount of time you wish to commit is up to you. You can watch your feeders/yard for an hour or all day. You can walk, bike, or boat a certain area. For the more dedicated birder, surveying one of the 30 county areas is also an option.


· Record the number of each species seen or heard

(including Starlings, House Sparrows, etc.)

· Record time spent watching

· Record distance traveled

· Record names of all observers

· Document unusual species and numbers

For more information on the count or if interested in surveying an area in the county, contact Tom Ziebell at or 920-312-1976.

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RAIN DATE:  Catch, Tag, Release Migrating Monarchs
1:00 PM13:00

RAIN DATE: Catch, Tag, Release Migrating Monarchs

  • 4946 Broderick Road Omro, WI, 54963 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

     RAIN DATE: Winnebago Audubon is hosting its popular monarch tagging event on the prairie at Shannon Davis-Foust’s home near Omro.

     There will be a short orientation about the life cycle and migration of the monarch butterfly plus a demonstration of the tagging process at the beginning of the session.  You will then be free to wander the prairie to net monarchs.  Remember to respect the prairie and any wildlife you may encounter. We will assist you in identifying the gender of your monarch, record the data, tag them, then watch you release it to proceed on its journey.  All ages over 5 are encouraged to participate.

     If the weather is questionable call/text Evelyn, to confirm: 920-573-7828.  Rain date will be Sun., Sept. 1.

     This event is free and open to the public.

      IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  We have a limited number of nets available so if you have your own, please bring it along. There is no restroom available. We strongly recommend that you wear long pants, socks and shoes to prevent scratches and cuts when you are in the prairie. We appreciate your cooperation so that we may all have a safe and fun event. 

       Directions to 4946 Broderick Rd., Omro: Take Hwy. 21 west out of Omro. Turn right on Broderick Rd. In 1.6 miles look for red house on right side of the road.  Park in  driveway or along road. Please do not park anyone in.

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Catch, Tag, Release Migrating Monarchs
1:00 PM13:00

Catch, Tag, Release Migrating Monarchs

  • 4946 Broderick Road Omro, WI, 54963 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winnebago Audubon is hosting its popular monarch tagging event on the prairie at Shannon Davis-Foust’s home near Omro.

Please join us for a short presentation about the life cycle and migration of the monarch butterfly and why we tag them. We will also demonstrate the tagging process.  Then you will be free to wander the prairie to net monarchs. We will assist you in identifying the gender of your monarch, record the data, tag them, then watch you release it to proceed on its journey.  All ages over 5 are encouraged to participate. Remember to respect the prairie and any wildlife you may encounter. 

If the weather is questionable call/text Evelyn, to confirm: 920-573-7828.  Rain date will be Sun., September 1.

This event is free and open to the public.

IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  We have a limited number of nets available so if you have your own, please bring it along. There is no restroom available. We strongly recommend that you wear long pants, socks and shoes to prevent scratches and cuts when you are in the prairie. We appreciate your cooperation so that we may all have a safe and fun event. 

Directions to 4946 Broderick Rd., Omro: Take Hwy. 21 west out of Omro. Turn right on Broderick Rd. In 1.6 miles look for red house on right side of the road.  Park in driveway or along road. Please do not park anyone in.

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Nature's Potpourri Summer Field Trip Series #3: Bohn Farms Glacial Habitat Restoration Area
9:00 AM09:00

Nature's Potpourri Summer Field Trip Series #3: Bohn Farms Glacial Habitat Restoration Area

  • Bohn Farm Glacial Habitat Restoration Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Winnebago Audubon for three summer field trips, one per month, in June, July and August led by Anita Carpenter. The focus is to discover whatever nature presents including birds, flowers, trees, insects and more.

Bohn Farms is an 80-acre Glacial (Prairie) Habitat Restoration Area, located west of Winneconne near Lake Poygan. Lots to discover here. I hope to find the wandering glider dragonfly, an amazing insect. There are no defined trails here - expect to walk about a mile.

Directions: From Oshkosh, take Hwy 41 North to Hwy 45 North.  Take the Hwy 116/County Rd GG exit toward Winneconne.  Turn left onto County Rd GG/Hwy 116 South.  Follow Hwy 116 through Winneconne until you reach County Road D.  Turn right on County Road D.  Travel approximately 7 miles and then turn right on County Rd B.  We will meet in the parking area off to your right adjacent to Welsch Rd.  There is limited space in the parking area (9500 Co Rd B), so please plan on parking along Welsch Rd.

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Chapter Annual Meeting & Family-friendly Program
2:00 PM14:00

Chapter Annual Meeting & Family-friendly Program

  • Winnebago County Community Park, Shelter #1 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Winnebago Audubon celebrates providing our community with opportunities to enjoy and protect birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through recreation, education, conservation, and restoration of the natural environment. We hope you will attend the brief annual business meeting to vote for our 2024-25 slate of officers and the proposed budget while sipping on lemonade and having a treat.


Once our business is taken care of we can relax and enjoy a special family-friendly program with live animals!


J & R Aquatic Animal Rescue will not be able to give their presentation on Sunday because of an unexpected death in the family. We extend our most sincere sympathy.

We are happy to tell you that we were able to arrange for another great program with live animals with Randy Hetzel, the original "RandyMan", master naturalist, wildlife ecologist, traveler/adventurer, educator, artist, and musician.

His Reptiles and Amphibians of Wisconsin Program is all about the Wisconsin herptiles and it features 15-20 or more species using live specimens. You will learn about the natural history, habits, biology and conservation of some of our states cold-blooded wildlife. This program is suitable for all ages, so bring your hatchlings! You can expect to see turtles, including a snapper, snakes, frogs, and more!

Free and open to the public.

Directions: Enter on the north side of the park from County Road Y. Turn right at the roundabout and continue to Shelter #1.

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Nature's Potpourri Summer Field Trip Series #2: Kim Niemuth Property
9:00 AM09:00

Nature's Potpourri Summer Field Trip Series #2: Kim Niemuth Property

Join Winnebago Audubon for three summer field trips, one per month, in June, July and August led by Anita Carpenter. The focus is to discover whatever nature presents including birds, flowers, trees, insects and more.

Kim has invited us to explore her 68-acre property near Pickett.  Walking trails will lead us through native grasses, marsh, crop land, and oak savanna and wander past a pond and a creek!  We’ll discover what this special place has to offer our natural curiosity in mid-summer.

1. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver before we walk the property.
2. With all the rain we have had, we recommend wearing rubber boots.
3. Mosquito repellent and maybe a head net would be a good idea.

DIRECTIONS: From Oshkosh, take Hwy 44 south for about 2.2 miles.  Turn left onto Clairville Rd.  In 4.9 miles, continue straight onto James Rd.  In 0.8 miles, continue onto County Rd FF.  In 0.3 miles, turn right onto Zoar Rd.  In 0.5 miles, you will arrive at W997 Zoar Rd on your left.

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An Evening with Bluebirds
5:30 PM17:30

An Evening with Bluebirds

Dave Misterek will lead a short tour of a fraction of the 25 bluebird houses that make up this bluebird nest box trail. We will meet at 5:30 pm at Utica Golf Club, 2330 Knott Road, SW of Oshkosh, for a short introduction by Dave. Beverages will be available for purchase at the bar.

Then we will walk out onto the beautiful course to visit some of the bluebird houses to see what is involved in monitoring a bluebird trail and hopefully see some adult bluebirds, eggs or even young.

Remember to dress for the weather and wear walking shoes as the tour will be foot powered. See you then.

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Nature's Potpourri Summer Field Trip Series #1: South Woods
9:00 AM09:00

Nature's Potpourri Summer Field Trip Series #1: South Woods

Join Winnebago Audubon for three summer field trips, one per month, in June, July and August led by Anita Carpenter. The focus is to discover whatever nature presents including birds, flowers, trees, insects and more.

This area is a mature maple woods, which is well known for its spring floral display and bird migration.  We’ll discover what early June has to offer.  Please wear proper footwear as some spots could be damp.

Directions: From Oshkosh, take Hwy 44 to Ripon.  Go straight on Oshkosh St. at the 4-way stop sign at Eureka St.  At the stoplights at Hwy 23 (Fond du Lac St.), continue straight (south) on to Union St.  South Woods is 1.3 miles south on the right side (N7974 Union St.).  There is a small parking area or park safety on the west side of the road.

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Uihlein Waterfowl Production Area - Wednesday Evening Birding #5
6:00 PM18:00

Uihlein Waterfowl Production Area - Wednesday Evening Birding #5

  • Uihlein Waterfowl Production Area (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will visit a different birding hotspot every Wednesday evening in May. We hope to see a variety of birds as the spring migration progresses, including thrushes, vireos, warblers, and sparrows. Join us each week to see what birds are migrating through our area.

Uihlein Waterfowl Production Area

Directions: From Oshkosh, take Hwy 44 south.  Turn right on Hwy 91 West.  Continue for approximately 8 miles and turn left on County Road M (Deer Dr).  Continue for about 1-1/2 miles.  The parking area will be on your left adjacent to Osborne Rd.

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Menasha Conservancy - Wednesday Evening Birding #4
6:00 PM18:00

Menasha Conservancy - Wednesday Evening Birding #4

We will visit a different birding hotspot every Wednesday evening in May. We hope to see a variety of birds as the spring migration progresses, including thrushes, vireos, warblers, and sparrows. Join us each week to see what birds are migrating through our area.

Menasha Conservancy

Directions: From Hwy 41 North, take Hwy 10 East/Hwy 441 North for about 3 miles.  Take the Oneida Street exit to the right.  Follow S. Oneida Street for about 1.5 miles.  Turn left on Hwy 10 East (Plank Road).  Continue east for about 1/2 mile, then turn left into the parking area using the shared turn lane just before the highway divides.

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Waukau Creek Nature Preserve - May Wednesday Evening Birding #3
6:00 PM18:00

Waukau Creek Nature Preserve - May Wednesday Evening Birding #3

We will visit a different birding hotspot every Wednesday evening in May. We hope to see a variety of birds as the spring migration progresses, including thrushes, vireos, warblers, and sparrows. Join us each week to see what birds are migrating through our area.

Waukau Creek Nature Preserve

Directions: The nature preserve is located at 2987 Delhi Road, Omro (near Waukau) in Winnebago County.  From Highway 41, take State Rd 44 south to State Road 91 west.  Turn night (north) onto State Road 116 at Waukau.  Turn left onto County Road K and then right onto Delhi Road.  The nature preserve will be on the right, with a parking area on the left.

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May Bird Count
1:00 AM01:00

May Bird Count

This is another great excuse (if you need one) to go birding and challenge yourself to identify birds not only visually but by their songs. Plus, you are contributing to on-going bird research around the world. You can do this by yourself or with family and friends. Make a day of it or plan a little time around your busy schedule.

On the annual May bird count, observers record all birds seen or heard in Winnebago County on one day (24 hour period). The Winnebago County May bird count has been conducted every year since 1966. The final results are submitted to the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology.

     Anyone can participate in the bird count. The amount of time that you wish to commit is up to you. You can watch your feeders/yard for an hour or all day. You can walk, bike, or boat an area. For the more dedicated birder, surveying one of the 30 county areas is also an option.



- Record the number of each species seen or heard (including Starlings, House Sparrows, etc.)

- Record time spent watching 

- Record distance traveled 

- Record names of all observers

If you do plan on participating PLEASE contact Tom Ziebell at or 920-312-1976 and inform him of the location that you intend to cover. This is to reduce duplication of birds counted.

For more information visit our website and look under Birds/Bird Counts or contact Tom Ziebell.

Photo: Palm Warbler, courtesy of Matt Saunders.

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Winnebago Co. Community Park - Wednesday Evening Birding #2
6:00 PM18:00

Winnebago Co. Community Park - Wednesday Evening Birding #2

  • Winnebago County Community Park North (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will visit a different birding hotspot every Wednesday evening in May. We hope to see a variety of birds as the spring migration progresses, including thrushes, vireos, warblers, and sparrows. Join us each week to see what birds are migrating through our area.

Winnebago Co. Community Park

Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 76 and Co. Rd. Y (Sunnyview Rd.) go east on Co. Rd. Y (Sunnyview Rd.).  In about a half mile, turn right into the Community Park north entrance.  At the first roundabout, turn right and continue to the first parking area.

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Woodcock Walk
7:30 PM19:30

Woodcock Walk

Join us in search of American Woodcock, Wilson’s Snipe, and early spring migrants on this evening outing. Bohn Farms GHRA is a state-owned property with more than 120 acres of prairie and woodland. Estimated walking distance is 0.5-1.0 mile. Terrain may be uneven, wet, and muddy. Rain boots or rubber knee boots are strongly recommended.

Directions: From Oshkosh, take Hwy 41 North to Hwy 45 North. Take the Highway 116/County Rd GG exit toward Winneconne. Turn left onto County Rd GG/Hwy 116 South. Follow Hwy 116 through and out of Winneconne until you reach County Road D. Turn right on County Road D. Travel approximately 7 miles and then turn right on County Rd B and go 1 mile. We will meet in the parking area off to the right adjacent to Welsch Rd. Please park in the parking area or along Welsch Rd. where it is safe and reasonable to do so.  

 American Woodcock, Wisconsin. Teri Shors/Audubon Photography Awards 

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Shangri La Pt. Nature Preserve - Wednesday Evening Birding #1
6:00 PM18:00

Shangri La Pt. Nature Preserve - Wednesday Evening Birding #1

We will visit a different birding hotspot every Wednesday evening in May. We hope to see a variety of birds as the spring migration progresses, including thrushes, vireos, warblers, and sparrows. Join us each week to see what birds are migrating through our area.

Shangri La Pt. Nature Preserve

Directions: From I-41 North, take US 45 North for about 1 mile and exit at Co. Rd. T. At the stop sign turn left and proceed over US 45. Continue straight on Ryf Rd. for about 1 mile and turn left onto Shangri La Pt. Rd. Park only along the east side of the road.

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7:30 PM19:30



Unfortunately the weather forecast for April 27 is less that ideal. Hope you will be able to attend on May 4.

 Join us in search of American Woodcock, Wilson’s Snipe, and early spring migrants on this evening outing. Bohn Farms GHRA is a state-owned property with more than 120 acres of prairie and woodland. Estimated walking distance is 0.5-1.0 mile. Terrain may be uneven, wet, and muddy. Rain boots or rubber knee boots are strongly recommended.

Directions: From Oshkosh, take Hwy 41 North to Hwy 45 North. Take the Highway 116/County Rd GG exit toward Winneconne. Turn left onto County Rd GG/Hwy 116 South. Follow Hwy 116 through and out of Winneconne until you reach County Road D. Turn right on County Road D. Travel approximately 7 miles and then turn right on County Rd B and go 1 mile. We will meet in the parking area off to the right adjacent to Welsch Rd. Please park in the parking area or along Welsch Rd. where it is safe and reasonable to do so.  

 American Woodcock, Wisconsin. Teri Shors/Audubon Photography Awards 

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Annual Midwest Crane Count
5:30 AM05:30

Annual Midwest Crane Count

Sign Up Now to Participate!

Winnebago Audubon is looking for counters to cover the 45 designated sites in Winnebago County for the 48th Annual Midwest Crane Count. More than 1,800 volunteer participants from throughout Wisconsin and portions of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota participate in the spring survey, which gathers information on the abundance and distribution of cranes in the upper Midwest.

The International Crane Foundation sponsors the Count as part of its mission to conserve the world’s 15 species of cranes and the natural communities on which they depend. Sandhill cranes once nearly disappeared from Wisconsin, but the species has successfully recovered and is slowly expanding into neighboring states.

Observations of sandhill cranes can lend insight into threatened crane species, including the endangered whooping crane. There are now approximately 75 whooping cranes in the reintroduced population in central Wisconsin, and crane counters may have a chance of sighting a whooper during the survey, just like last year!


Best reasons to be a crane counter:

1. Doing something a little crazy is fun.

2. You can do something good for the environment once a year without becoming a bird-nut.

3. If you are a student, it counts as volunteer hours.

4. You’ll learn to speak crane-ese.

5. It’s a good excuse to watch a sunrise once per year.

6. Bring your binoculars and camera. You’ll be surprised by what other wildlife you see that early in the morning.

7. If the weather is nasty, you can count from inside the car with the heater on.

8. Winnebago County is a great place to survey because we rank high in the number of crane sightings.

9. When finished you still have the whole day ahead of you


Signing up is easy! Go to the International Crane Foundation website: where you will find the site maps for Winnebago County. Select a site that you would like to survey, then contact our Winnebago County Coordinator, Evelyn Meuret, to check availability and secure your site. You may contact Evelyn for assistance. She will save sites for folks who counted in 2023 until the end of March. If you are not able to count this year, please let her know that your site is available. 

You will also find the data sheet and more information at the website.

We are hosting an in-person meeting before the crane count on Thursday, April 4 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm at the Oshkosh Food Co-op, 155 Jackson St., Suite 1. You may choose a site that night, meet other counters, and ask questions. We will review crane call identification and data entry. This meeting is optional but you may find it helpful if you are a new counter. Please share with friends and family who might be interested in volunteering.

We invite all counters to meet for breakfast after the count to share your experience at the Delta Restaurant, 515 N. Sawyer St., Oshkosh. Dutch treat.

Please contact Evelyn directly about your interest in participating in this year’s Annual Midwest Crane Count:

 Evelyn Meuret

Winnebago County Crane Count Coordinator


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Informational Meeting: Midwest Crane Count
6:00 PM18:00

Informational Meeting: Midwest Crane Count

What is the Annual Midwest Crane Count all about? Wondering if you should participate? You are welcome to attend an informational meeting where you can learn how to identify crane calls, fill out data sheets, etc., AND chose one of the 45 sites in Winnebago County to survey.

We are hosting this meeting at the Oshkosh Food Co-op, 155 Jackson St., Suite 1.

Click here to check out the webpage on this site for full details about the count.

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Winter Birding at Norbert Rich School Forest
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Birding at Norbert Rich School Forest

  • Norbert Rich School Forest (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a winter bird walk at Norbert Rich School Forest. The spruce, pine, and swamp hardwoods on this property provide habitat for deer, turkeys, nuthatches, and various winter bird species. We will meet at the front gate and walk one the mown trails. Sections of the trail may be uneven or muddy, so sturdy hiking shoes or boots are recommended.

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