Winnebago Audubon and Wild Ones Fox Valley Area Chapter always look forward to our joint program which will be held this year on November 21 at Evergreen Retirement Community, 1130 N. Westfield St., Oshkosh. Join us in the Behnke Room on the lower level for a social at 6:30 pm. Then at 7:00 pm we will have a brief business meeting followed by our program, “Honey Bees and Native Bees: Why they’re in trouble and how you can help!”, presented by Julie Mazzoleni. Julie is a beekeeper and serves as the Education Outreach Chair for the Brown County Beekeepers Association. She also serves on the board of the Wild Ones Green Bay Chapter.
Her presentation will introduce you to the fascinating world of the honey bee. You’ll learn about the different casts in the hive, their individual roles and why they are considered a “superorganism”. Besides the honey bee, you’ll learn about the many native bees we see in our Wisconsin gardens today. You’ll learn who they are, about their habitats, and the critical role they play in a healthy thriving ecosystem. Lastly, we’ll address the challenges our pollinators are facing, why they’re at risk and what you can do to support their wellbeing and help them thrive in our Wisconsin gardens.